Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Optimization by Genetic Algorithm

Document Type : Original Article


Department of civil Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is NP-hard problem that ingenious and metaheuristic solutions in comparison to the absolute solutions have better results. In 'RCPSP' every project has unique numbers of activities and resources. Activities have priority in relation with each other to be executed, but can be done discreetly or overlapped with each other.
In this research one metaheuristic solution, Genetic Algorithm, is proposed for solving Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) in single-mode and the priority rule is not general. Only Finish to Start relations are considered. The main goal is to minimize make span of the project.
The proposed algorithm is tested by the existing data available at PSPLIB . Furthermore, one real project with 29 activities is solved by recommended algorithm. The proposed algorithm for scheduling a real project was, of course, adapted to the conditions of the actual project. The project involves 29 types of end-to-start (FS) activities and relationships with four types of renewable and limited resources. The minimum time of the proposed algorithm is 245 days, which is roughly equivalent to the time taken by Microsoft's software (244.5). However, the relative advantage of the proposed algorithm is to achieve the result in a very short time, which is highly recommended for a large project with a large number of activities.
